Staff Spotlight: Leslee Feldman

Staff Spotlight Image of Personal Trainer Leslee Feldman

When you come to Castle Hill Fitness, you’re entering so much more than just a gym. You’re entering a community – an innovative hub of talented professionals who are here to support your fitness and wellness journey. Between our two locations, there are over 70 employees that contribute to our multifaceted fitness family – and each of them have a story. In our Staff Spotlight, get to know the unique individuals that bring the sparkle to our gem of a gym. 

1. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? 
I played racquetball all through college, and before personal training, I was a racquetball teaching pro. Racquetball is an excellent sport to develop hand/eye coordination and it requires agility and quickness. Before kids and marriage, I was the Director of the Men’s Pro circuit which was a fantastic experience. Currently, I’m also on the coaching staff for the Austin High School Girls Lacrosse team

2. What is your go-to “healthy” snack or meal? What is your go-to “treat”?
My go-to snack are nuts and cheese – super portable, and a good mix of calories and fats. Ice cream is my go-to treat (even when it’s 30 degrees out) – my favorite flavor is currently Ben and Jerry’s cookies and mint. 

3. What are your top 3 favorite exercises of the moment? 
One-leg deadlift: Good for the back and knees. It strengthens the low back, hamstrings, and gives a good balance challenge. It’s a great exercise for any athlete that plays sports that involve stopping and starting on one leg, or lateral movements. I also like Chops, for working the abs and obliques, and back lunges off a step to work the legs and glutes. 

4. Describe your health and fitness philosophy in ONE WORD. Why that word?
Functional. We move every day, so training in the gym can get you ready for the real game – the game of daily living! It’s what my small group, ‘Game Day, Every Day’, is all about! We mix functional movement patterns for a strength, balance, and metabolic boosting workout. We do different activities like stair sprints, dynamic squats, wobble boards, etc., to keep the body guessing! 

5. How will clients feel after working with you? 
I want my clients to feel that they’ve done good work. My goal is to train the body to move functionally. I’m not out to destroy a client – I meet them where they are and prep them to move pain-free for a long time. 


If balance is a challenge in the one-leg DL, use a foam roller to familiarize yourself with the movement. More advanced exercisers can use this technique as a way to prepare the body for heavier loads. 

1. To start

Personal Trainer Leslee Felman Demonstrating Starting Position of Single Legged Deadlifts

Stand up straight, holding a foam roller on the top of your left foot, and hold the roller steady with your left hand. 

2. Perform the movement

Personal Trainer Leslee Feldman Demonstrating Single Legged Deadlift

Keeping a bend in your right knee and your back flat and straight, hinge forward at your hip. With the foam roller leg, keep pressure on your hand and your foot flexed. Keep your hips level as you tip forward, and then return to the starting position. You will feel activation in the right side hamstring and glute as it works to stabilize your body throughout the movement. 

3. Progress

Once you’ve completed this move on both sides, you can take the foam roller away. You’ll likely feel more balanced! Increase challenge to the exercise by holding dumbbells or a kettlebell in your hand. 

Leslee Feldman was an athlete growing up and earned her degree in Physical Education with a minor in Health and Recreation. After playing racquetball in college, she taught for 25 years and continues coaching as a lacrosse coach at Austin High. Even after 21 years as a personal trainer at The Hills Fitness Center before joining Castle Hill’s team, Leslee doesn’t consider it a job. It’s a privilege to help clients of all ages and stages, and she sincerely enjoys what she gets to do every day. Leslee specializes in post-Physical Therapy exercise and rehabilitation, knee and ACL injury prevention, hip and knee replacements, geriatric clients, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Strokes, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. 

Book a personal training session with Leslee, or drop in to her weekly small group training every Monday at 12pm


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