Staff Spotlight: Morgan Malia

Yoga Instructor Morgan Malia

When you come to Castle Hill Fitness, you’re entering so much more than just a gym. You’re entering a community – an innovative hub of talented professionals who are here to support your fitness and wellness journey. Between our two locations, there are over 70 employees that contribute to our multifaceted fitness family – and each of them have a story. In our Staff Spotlight, get to know the unique individuals that bring the sparkle to our gem of a gym. 

Yoga Instructor Morgan Malia Warrior 3 Pose

Morgan’s been practicing yoga since high school!

1. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? I was a competitive cheerleader in high school and started my yoga practice during my sophomore year when I’d go practice with my journalism teacher in her classroom on our lunch break. 

2. What is your go-to “healthy” snack or meal? What is your go-to “treat”?
I’d say one of my favorite staples is organic bone broth with pasture-raised eggs dropped in, and topped with turmeric and cracked black pepper. Super nice after an evening workout! Favorite treat – dark chocolate with sea salt!

3. What are your top 3 favorite exercises of the moment?
I try to move my body in as many different ways as possible and bring a “yoga mindset” to all of it. The more fun the exercise, the more likely I am to do it (bonus points if it’s outdoors!) At the moment, I’d say my top 3 are trail jogs, climbing, and night swims in Barton Springs. 

4. Describe your health and fitness philosophy in ONE WORD. Why that word?
BALANCE. Everything in moderation, including moderation.

5. How will clients feel after working with you? 
Lighter; physically, mentally, emotionally. 


Morgan is a certified Functional Medicine Health Coach and E-RYT Yoga Teacher. She’s also an avid student, constantly seeking to further her education in the fields of Functional Medicine, modern yoga research, and traditional Ayurvedic studies. 

Morgan began a diligent yoga practice as a teenager and views it as a holistic lifestyle practice. She believes wholeheartedly in yoga’s ability to heal and transform from the inside out. Teaching since 2011, Morgan aims to support her students and clients in sharpening their senses to cultivate more intimate awareness of the ways their bodies, minds, and environments interact. She draws from her training and experience across a wide range of techniques, offering classes and private sessions that are therapeutic yet challenging in nature. Her intuitive approach sheds light on unconsciously held patterns and beliefs, encouraging students to embrace a sense of ease, happiness, and wholeness. 

You can experience Morgan’s functional approach to therapeutic yoga in her weekly class on Saturdays at our Downtown location or in private training sessions!  


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