Why is Balance Important?

Brooke and Rebecca Friends

When you plan your workouts, are you focusing solely on strength training or cardio? Oftentimes, there’s a crucial element that’s overlooked when building a fitness routine. It’s time to break out of your fitness rut and discover why balance is the key to unlocking your full potential! 

The Low Down

In a nutshell, balance is how you control your body to remain upright and stable. Building strength and endurance is important, but it won’t get you far if you can’t stay standing! Neglecting balance training can increase the risk of injury and limit overall health gains. Balance is the foundation of all movement. Incorporating it into your routine can improve stability, coordination, posture, and athletic performance while reducing the likelihood of falls. According to a CNN report, “Forty-eight percent of young adults reported falling at least once during one 16-week study.” As we age, maintaining our stability becomes increasingly important. Falls are one of the leading causes of injury in older adults, and they can have serious consequences. Trainer, Rachael Bercey says, “Investing in building our physical strength and confidence is part of the infrastructure to preserving these systems that support our ability to balance and meet the daily challenges life!” Balance isn’t just important for preventing falls – it’s also crucial for overall health and wellness.

Important Benefits Include: 

  1. Preventing falls: As mentioned above, falls are a major concern for older adults. By improving your balance, you can reduce your risk of falling and serious injury.
  2. Improved mobility: Good balance can help you move more easily and comfortably – both in your workouts and daily life! Regular activities such as walking up stairs, carrying groceries, or getting up from a chair become all the more efficient. 
  3. Better posture: Proper posture reduces strain on your muscles and joints. This can help prevent pain and discomfort, particularly in the neck, shoulders, and back.
  4. Enhanced athletic performance: Whether you’re a serious athlete or just someone who likes to stay active, good balance can improve your reaction time, agility, and control, and reduce your risk of injury.
  5. Improved brain function: Some research suggests that practicing balance exercises can improve cognitive function, particularly in older adults. This may be because these exercises challenge the brain as well as the body.


There are a vast variety of ways you can work to improve this facet of your health, from single exercises to whole training modalities. 

If you want to mix a few moves into your regular workout routine, try incorporating exercises that isolate one side of your body and shift your center of gravity, such as single-leg deadlifts or Bulgarian split squats. Using props is also an extremely effective way to challenge your stability and build balance! Using a Bosu Ball, stability ball, or even a half-foam roller will create an unstable surface, engaging your muscles in a deeper manner and challenging your stability.

Multiple movement modalities specifically target and focus on boosting balance, such as Tai Chi, yoga, and Pilates – and all are found at Castle Hill Fitness! You can either work with a trainer one-on-one to get a more customized workout, or attend any of our weekly classes. 

CHF Classes To Practice Balance

Tai Chi

Tai Chi classes offer a gentle yet effective way to challenge your balance through slow, deliberate movements that shift the body with a focus on breathing. With a combination of seated and standing postures, Tai Chi improves your steadiness by helping you adjust your posture and move with stability from foot to foot while also incorporating arm movements. 


Pilates is a form of exercise that emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and body awareness. Many pilates exercises often involve standing on one leg or performing movements on an unstable surface, such as a stability ball or foam roller. With consistent practice, Pilates can help you develop better balance, stability, and body control, which can benefit you in many areas of your life.


Yoga is a great way to build balance through a variety of postures that challenge your body’s stability and improve your overall coordination. Standing poses, such as tree pose and Warrior III, help develop core strength and stability in your legs and feet. Additionally, practicing yoga helps to increase body awareness and mindfulness, allowing you to better tune into your body and improve your balance over time.

It’s a Balancing Act

Improving balance takes time and practice, particularly if you’re at a beginner fitness level. It’s never too early to start working on this important element of overall health and wellness and to start reaping the amazing benefits. By incorporating stabilizing exercises into your fitness routine, you can improve your mobility, posture, and athletic performance, as well as reduce your risk of falls and injury. So, why not start practicing your balance today?

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