Kim has been teaching yoga since 2006 and has a gift for guiding her students through the hard work and challenge of asana practice with laughter and humility. Her clear and encouraging teaching style allows even those new to yoga to feel supported and motivated. Her love for teaching is demonstrated in her warm, caring and approachable nature.Her extensive training in the Anusara system of Hatha yoga has prepared her well to offer public yoga classes, private instruction, workshops, and retreats. Kim is also a licensed massage therapist and her knowledge of the physical and subtle bodies enables her to assist students in finding their own physical expansion and emotional acceptance. Always a student herself, Kim continually seeks to expand her boundaries and knowledge of the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga.
The Castle Hill 5, or The Same Five Questions We Ask Everyone:
1) How long have you been in Austin and where were you before?
I’ve been in Austin for nearly 14 years. I moved here in January of 2004 from Las Vegas, NV.
2) Austin is known as the Live Music Capital of the World, what’s the best live music show you have ever seen?
I’ve seen some good ones, so it’s hard to choose just one. I’ll give you my top two: One, the Stanley Clarke show at One World Theatre and two, seeing Joe Pug sing to a group of maybe 20 of us outside of what was formerly Jovita’s during SXSW several years ago.
3) What food would you eat 5 times a day if you could?
I’m generally a moderation gal…but I think I could (and probably have) eaten a square of 85% dark chocolate 5 times a day.
4) If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 exercises would you do to stay healthy?
Walk, Swim, Invert (handstand, headstand, etc).
5) What’s your favorite thing about Castle Hill Fitness?
I love the autonomy I have to create and develop classes and workshops. I feel like I’m part of a very accepting and welcoming family at the Castle. The people who run the day-to-day operations are top notch and the students who find their way to my classes are some of my favorites.
Thank you, Kim! Want to do yoga and contribute to a good cause? Kim’s next group yoga practice on October 15 will an All Levels fundraiser, with all proceeds going towards the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Or experience Kim’s warm and playful spirit every week in her invigorating noon class on Saturdays at our Downtown location.