What to Know about Austin School of Yoga’s Teacher Training

Ashley and Tracey Yoga Teacher Training

Austin School of Yoga is back with a new installment of the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program at our Downtown location! Ashley and Tracey met here at Castle Hill Fitness as instructors, and later combined efforts to establish the Austin School of Yoga. Their passion for bringing the benefits of this practice to others is infectious! 

So what can you expect from their upcoming course that will span over the course of 9 weekends, and how is it different from attending weekly classes? We got with Ashley and Tracey for the low-down on what to expect from this yoga training intensive. Read on to learn all about it!


You’re teaching a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training at Castle Hill Fitness this Spring, which is exciting in and of itself. What would you say you’re MOST excited about?

Ashley: My time spent in yoga trainings has been some of the most meaningful experiences of my life thus far. I’m so excited to be a part of that process and community for others.
Tracey: It’s so much fun being part of a community of people who are hungry to learn. I’m one of those people in the front row trying to soak it all in, and while I have so much to share and I am beyond excited about that, I also can’t wait to learn so much from my teaching partner, Ashley, and our teachers in training. There’s nothing like seeing light bulbs going off above people’s heads, including your own!

What kind of people are ideal for a Yoga Teacher Training and why?

Ashley: People full of curiosity. It’s not about being able to do a fancy yoga pose. It’s not even about the desire to teach yoga. The only requirement for our teacher training is a love of learning and self inquiry. When you stay open to possibility, it’s pretty amazing what you’re capable of.
Tracey: Without a doubt, people who are curious about themselves and the world. Also people who have the time and energy to be committed to the training and their process of learning. I certainly don’t want to scare anyone away, but you don’t want to half-ass this experience. You are totally worth it.

What is the the most meaningful thing you took away from your first Yoga Teacher Training as a student? And without too many spoilers, is it something you’ve built into your curriculum as an instructor?

Ashley: If I were to choose a word to sum up my first teacher training, it would be connection. By chipping away more at what my yoga practice meant to me, I forged a more authentic and compassionate relationship with myself. I started to bridge the gap between my everyday actions and the purpose and priorities I chose to build my life around. I’ve also found some of my dearest friendships through my YTT experiences. I joined my first YTT without any intention of ever becoming a teacher, but I fell in love with the community and a strong desire to share all that I learned with others. For our own training, I can promise our trainees that you’ll complete your 200 hours truly feeling more connected in all aspects of the word — through body, mind, spirit and community.
Tracey: When I finished my Forrest Yoga TT, my wish was that everyone could have that experience. Not so much for the asana (although that was phenomenal!) but for the opportunity for deep personal exploration and growth. Before that training, I was struggling to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do. We have designed our curriculum with many of these powerful guided exercises that help you probe deep within yourself. Honestly, this is my favorite part of the training.

You’ve described this as a “non-denominational yoga teacher training.” What does that mean, exactly?

Ashley: I’ve been ending my classes lately by reminding students to “allow the wisdom and the teacher within you to bow down to the wisdom and the teachers within each and every one of us.” I want our trainees to understand that their most powerful teacher is already on their mat but also that there is always learning to be unearthed all around us. I’m so grateful for the knowledge my teachers have shared with me, so we are taking the best of what we’ve uncovered from the various teachers and styles we’ve studied under and sharing that on. Trainees will finish our training with the physiological and philosophical foundation to be able to grow into their own as teachers.
Tracey: We have created a foundation for people to explore the myriad of ways the human body moves. Add to that each body is unique in its structure and story and you have an infinite number of possibilities for shape, movement and expression. That’s what makes this training so exciting but also kinda scary. We crave the one-size-fits-all answer or, my favorite recent headline, “5 Alignment Cues for the Perfect Warrior 1,” right? I want our trainees to develop super powers of awareness, both within themselves and as they see and hear their students. This is where the fun begins.

Anything else you want people to know about it?

Ashley: I’m so proud to say that we have crafted an exquisite teacher training program. Every weekend of our curriculum is a thoughtfully curated experience. I can’t wait to share it with our group!
Tracey: So, so, so much, but I’ll finish up on this one note. This Yoga Teacher Training is about you. It’s about putting your oxygen mask on first. We don’t often make ourselves a priority in our own lives and we will come up with all kinds of excuses for why we can’t. Don’t listen to those voices. Go ahead and make the investment in yourself now.


Thank you, Ashley and Tracey! 

For a glimpse of what training with Ashley and Tracey will be like, come enjoy a free  45-minute class on Saturday, March 30 at 3pm, followed by a Q&A about the teacher training. 

Are you ready to begin your journey to becoming a Yoga Alliance-certified teacher? The Austin School of Yoga 2019 200-hour Teacher Training starts this April 27! This training is based on their heritage in Forrest Yoga, Yoga Tune Up®, Yoga Therapy, and Alignment-based Vinyasa. They have curated what they love best of these practices and adapted it to their own style. 
Sign up before April 1 to receive a discount of $300 off. 


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