1) When did you graduate from Yoga Illumined Teacher Training?
Dec 2013
2) What inspired you to take Yoga Illumined?
After growing my yoga practice in Austin over 7 years, a friend recommended the program when I was aiming to make significant changes in my life. The idea kept sticking with me and arose while watching a playoff football game at a buddy’s house. There was a time during the second half, when I needed to leave my friends house. I knew in that moment if I watched the rest of the football game I would miss out on making an important life decision. At the meet and greet I was welcomed warmly. After talking with everyone there, I knew deep down that it was time to commit to Yoga Illumined.
3) What have you gained from the training?
Yoga and its principles are woven into my life so I can take care of myself and share in all aspects of life with others. I feel more connected to the Austin community. Truth seems more apparent. I’m a more engaged and thoughtful son, brother, boyfriend, co-worker and manager. Yoga’s roots in biology, anatomy and psychology connected me with the daydreaming child in me that wanted to be a Dr., like my Grandpa. Now, I have a yoga practice I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
4) What advice would you have for others considering the training?
In our society yoga seems to be many people’s prescription for the frenetic nature of our modern lives. For anyone who practices yoga regularly, but would like to add more depth and ownership to his or her practice – you should know that studying something deeply as an adult is a thrill.
I travel extensively for work and managed to balance a hectic schedule with homework, regular practice, and weekend-long sessions. In fact, the connection to the program helped me succeed while I was as busy as I had ever been this summer.
5) Any other things you would like to add.
Look at where you at this very moment, stop checking your phone for 5 minutes, and ask yourself what is the life you want to live? Is it authentic? How important is yoga to you? By stoking your will power, Yoga Illumined can help tune you to the things that are important in life. The moments of vivid clarity are out there for everyone.
Curious about the 2015 Yoga Illumined program? Please join us for our next Meet & Greet 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 27th:
A casual get together to learn more about the program, and from directors about what to expect from the 2014 Yoga Illumined: 200hr Teacher Training Program.
at Castle Hill Fitness Studio
across the street from main building
1002 W. 12th Street ph:(512) 478-4567
SAVE $300 towards the entire Yoga Illumined program when you register at the Meet Greet
online RSVP to this free event: https://www.castlehillfitness.com/calendar/1024/yoga-teacher-training-meet-greet