A Fun, Cozy Morning with Sleep Crown

Sleep Crown Castle Hill Fitness Pop Up

On Saturday, February 3rd, we had the pleasure of hosting Sleep Crown and their unique, over-the-head sleep aid pillows in our Lobby Shop for the coziest pop-up. With her restorative yoga background and understanding of the importance of proper rest, Julie Westervelt, a former teacher at Castle Hill Fitness, developed this pillow to block out light, muffle sound, and apply a gentle pressure to the head to create a feeling of security and greatly enhance the sleep environment. 


On this rainy weekend morning, visitors were able to plop down on a fluffy bed with a couple of these pillows to enjoy a few minutes of quiet and complete relaxation. We were also excited to welcome Julie and her sleep pillows in certain yoga classes to provide special assists and demonstrations, showcasing the “instant savasana” powers of these pillows on some lucky yogis!





Castle Hill Fitness Chair MassageTo complete this den of relaxation, we were joined by Lindsay, who worked her magic with free chair massages. With massages, soothing chamomile tea, fluffy pillows, and a soft bed, it was difficult to not walk away uplifted from the vibes of this pop-up shop!






Learn more about Sleep Crown at sleepcrown.com

To book a relaxing massage with Lindsay, click here.


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