Castle Hill Joins Active LIfe

Castle Hill will be working with ActiveLife—a non-profit dedicated to organizing a movement for healthy change—to participate in the Austin’s Young Leaders for Healthy Change program.

Young Leaders for Healthy Change is a free program that empowers high school students to become leaders in driving the change for a healthier society. Over the course of a semester, teams comprised of at least four high school students and one adult “Advocate” will complete twelve weekly challenges designed to jump start their health. These challenges will inspire team members to try new healthy activities and to participate in a variety of service and leadership experiences. By completing this program, students become eligible to receive scholarships for higher education.

The program is sponsored by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation and Castle Hill has been asked to organize a series of three classes (one a month) that will become part of the program this term. We accepted!

The kick-off event for the 2011 Young Leaders for Healthy Change program is this Saturday, February 5 from 2-3pm in our Studio space.

For more information about the Young Leaders for Healthy Change program, visit

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