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Virtual Keeping It Moving: Strength and Mobility for Life

Virtual Keeping It Moving: Strength and Mobility for Life

WITH Devon Dederich
Saturday at 10:30am
Your pelvis and legs are designed to help you stand upright, support more than your own weight, and move freely around the world. Building flexibility and strength in the legs and pelvis also helps to maintain good health and function of the spine and abdominal organs.

In this virtual workshop, explore these concepts further by a) learning asana focusing on the legs and hips, and b) observing the effects on the spine, pelvis, and abdominal organs.

Recommended props include:

- chair
- strap or belt
- 2 yoga blocks
- bolster and/or 3 blankets/towels
- sticky mat (2 preferred, but not required)

For experienced beginners and intermediate students. Appropriate for levels 1-3.

Saturday, August 15
on Zoom

$50 for all
10% discount for VIP members


About Devon
Devon Dederich, BA Anthropology, MA Geography, RPCV, Intermediate Iyengar Yoga teacher, has studied with most senior Iyengar teachers in the US, and has studied in Pune under BKS Iyengar, his daughter Geeta and son Prashant. She has taught Iyengar Yoga for forty years and brings the practical experience of posture and the subtle experience of philosophy into her work. She can (almost) always find a way to help students approach a pose safely and with benefit.

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